Product information
The MEGA DRAGSTAR III is the improved competition version of the MEGA DRAGSTAR II. The model is suitable for use in the MONO-2 contest classes as well as the new S-14 standard racing class. An integral bonded-in flood duct enables the model to right itself automatically and resume running after turning over. Please visit the Internet site for information relatingto competitions and competition classes.
Contents of the quick-build ki
Quick-build plan showing RC installation, with assembly instructions in German, English and French. GRP hull and hatch cover, rudder system, turn fin, stern tube and shaft, propeller, motor mount, shaft coupling, boatstand, decal sheet, small items.
RC functions
Proportional speed control
Tel:+30 210 5444 204 Fax: +30 210 5444 384
Working Hours: M-T-W-T-F from 9:30-20:30 Sat. from 9:30-15:00
Address: Korae 8 & Kapodestreou, Egaleo,Athens,Greece,Zip:122 41