Product information
So you're about to get started in modelling, and are looking for a simple, reasonably priced speed controller with reverse mode which can also cope with the high currents and capacities available from today's rechargeable batteries? Then the GRAUPNER SPEED PROFI 40R is exactly right for you. This controller is suitable for brushedmotors with 12 winds or more, and offers fine speed control over the range forward, brake and reverse. The controller automatically adjusts itself to suit your radio control system when switched on, and therefore requires no programming of any kind.
- Automatically sets itself up to suit your transmitter
- High pulse frequency
- Forward, ABS brake, reverse
- Delay interval for reverse running
- Overheating guard
Operating voltage: 7.2 ... 12 V
Cell count: 6 ... 10 NiCd, NiMH
Peak current: 200 A
Cont. current, forward: 40 A
Pulse frequency: 1 kHz
BEC: 5 V / 1 A
BEC current, peak: 1.5 A
Dimensions approx.: 41.6 x 38.2 x 16.3 mm
Weight approx. 65 g
Tel:+30 210 5444 204 Fax: +30 210 5444 384
Working Hours: M-T-W-T-F from 9:30-20:30 Sat. from 9:30-15:00
Address: Korae 8 & Kapodestreou, Egaleo,Athens,Greece,Zip:122 41