The LIPO GUARD B1 is one of the top-of-the-range security bags on the market for two to three cell rechargeable lithium batteries. Several superimposed layers of flame-retardant material and the lack of a highly flammable plastic coating characterize this accessory. The bag measures 230 x 295 mm and is suitable for the short-term, permanently supervised storage of rechargeable lithium batteries. For the planned medium or long-term and in particular unattended storage, we recommend the use of a fireproof safety cassette, for example from the manufacturer Sentry®Safe.
Tel:+30 210 5444 204 Fax: +30 210 5444 384
Working Hours: M-T-W-T-F from 9:30-20:30 Sat. from 9:30-15:00
Address: Korae 8 & Kapodestreou, Egaleo,Athens,Greece,Zip:122 41