Series 276and 278 wide-mouth fuel bottles can be used in many areas of model
building and, using suitable accessories, can be adapted to meet the
needs of the individual model builder.
Model builders can choose from
round and square bottles which, depending on the position of the
fuselage or the cross-section of the tank, can be used in the model to
save space.
With the many different fittings and accessories, the
positioning of fuel, overflow, and filling hoses in the tank can be
adapted specifically for installation in the model.
In connection
with the Jet accessory series available by quoting order no. 6860. ...
hose connectors can be used to connect fuel bottles in parallel or in
The fuel lines available by quoting order no. 1325.2 are
ideal for petrol and kerosene; order no. 6860.35 and 6860.38 areideal
exclusively for kerosene. For methanol we recommend the silicone hose,
order no. 1643.
The fuel bottles are resistant to kerosene, petrol, and methanol.
Tel:+30 210 5444 204 Fax: +30 210 5444 384
Working Hours: M-T-W-T-F from 9:30-20:30 Sat. from 9:30-15:00
Address: Korae 8 & Kapodestreou, Egaleo,Athens,Greece,Zip:122 41