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Laser-cut wooden kit of the famous Tiger Moth in 1:3.8 scale
Wooden construction kit (laser cut)
High-quality construction
Fiberglass hood
Lots of accessories included *
Richly illustrated instructions
Large blueprint
Wingspan = 2360mm
Length = 1850mm
Weight = from 8kg
Engine = from 60cc Combustion or electric.
manual (tigermothgiant.pdf, 2,067 Kb) [Download]
Tel:+30 210 5444 204 Fax: +30 210 5444 384
Working Hours: M-T-W-T-F from 9:30-20:30 Sat. from 9:30-15:00
Address: Korae 8 & Kapodestreou, Egaleo,Athens,Greece,Zip:122 41