Technical data
- Wingspan: 1750mm (68.9in)
- Length: 1587mm (62.5 in)
- Flying weight: 5400-6000g
- Wing area: 66.9 dm2
- Wing loading: 80g/dm2
- Wing type: Naca airfoils
- Gear type: Electric Retract Gear (included) with controller box (included).
- Spinner size: Plastic 95mm (included)
- Radio: 6 channel minimum (not included)
- Servo: 7 standard hi-torque servo: 2 aileron; 2 flap; 1 elevator; 1 rudder; 1 throttle (not included).
- Recommended receiver battery: 4.8-6V / 2000mAh NiMH (not included)
- Servo mount: 21mm x 42 mm
- Propeller: suit with your engine
- Engine: 20-30 cc gas engine (not included)
- Motor: brushless outrunner 1600-2200 W, 450 KV (not included)
- Experience level: Intermediate
- Plane type: Scale Civilian
- Motor: RIMFIRE .120 (not included)
- Lipo cell: 5-6 cells / 5500 – 6000mAh (not included)
- Esc: 120-160A (not included)
- Designed for compatibility with both GP and EP flight
- Electric retract With CNC Suspension Metal Struts included.
- Electric Controller Gear Box With Multi Function included.
- Removable Top hatch for easy change lipo battery and set up radio
- Strong Light Weight Construction
- Superb flying characteristics, plus an accurate scale outline
- High-quality hardware package included